Discipline. Blessedwithbestt

Discipline is the ability to control the negative things around you and turn it to be positive,a productive life is a disciplined life.show me a life without discipline and i will show you a life without growth.discipline and time management is a key factor's,if you must grow.You must discipline yourself for you to achieve your dreams.
Without discipline,there is no achievement,your life will be nothing when you Don't cultivate life of discipline,a discipline life is capable of yielding positive results,say no to People who are yes yes and yes without no no and without no in their mouth.
where you go,what you do,the friends you keep and how you placed your priorities depends on the quality of your life.You can't be disciplined in following your dreams and achieve nothing at the end,it take's a disciplined life style to achieve something great and remarkable,whatever you will want to become must have an iota of discipline.
You can't be discipline and be foolish, you can't be discipline and you are foolish,you can't be discipline and you are any how,it takes a willing heart to be discipline.
Your life will not yield positive result if you can pay the price to be discipline.


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