Study Motivation Tips Things to do when you are unmotivated/don't feel good. . - BLESSEDWITHBESTT

Honestly,i haven't been feeling 100% into school recently, my grades aren't where i want them to at right now.
But when you're feeling down,encouraging others usually results in you feeling better so that's what i'm gonna do !

  • Things to do when you're unmotivated/don't feel great:

- Just get up. Standing up is half of the battle when it
comes to fighting lack of
motivation. -
- Take a bath/shower, brush your teeth and hair, etc. Self care is important when it
comes to feeling your best.

- Try to look nice--even if you have nowhere to go. This is another part of the self care idea.

- Clean up your space. Organizing/cleaning the area around you can help you feel more in control of your life and surroundings.

- Go for a walk. This is good for clearing your head and getting you moving.

- Do something creative. Reading, writing,and art all provide relief through
1. think about your why - why are you in school ? who do you do it for?  What are your goals and what do you need to do to achieve them ? 
I'm in school because it's a big reason my family and I immigrated to the united states, i'm doing it for the future so that I can provide a comfortable life for my kids and parents when the time comes,it's different for everyone, but keep yours in mind.

2. give yourself a refresher, sometimes, you just really need a break. 
your mind and body are tired from everything, give yourself time and treat yourself even if it's just a movie night with friends.

3. surround yourself with motivated people. when i hang around complainers and people who just want to go out all the time, i never get any work done because my mind
set is "school is stupid,I should just be having fun." BUT if you surround yourself with people who prioritize their studies, work towards their goals, and are driven,they can be a good influence on you.

4 set goals, make sure they're realistic and attainable, they can keep you on track and build up higher standards for yourself. list short term goals (grades) that will help you achieve long term goals (college).

5. don't study too much. you will burn out and eventually be tired of anything related to school, there's nothing wrong with balance, but know yourself well enough to not tip the scale.

6.set up a pleasant workspace. i know not everyone can have an area completely dedicated for studying, but it does help a lot of people, if anything, just make sure the area is clean and well lit. have enough space for your laptop,books etc. light a candle or get an aromatherapy diffuser if you like. customize it to become a place you look forward to being in.

7. change things up. try out new ways to decorate or take your notes,fill up your bullet journal, etc. most things get boring after a while.strive to improve and adapt as time goes on.

8. make sure your health is in check. stay some healthy snacks exercise and stretch a bit. do your skincare routine. make time to do whatever gives you energy and peace.

9. you > success in school. obviously, everybody wants to do well in school,  there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting your time and effort into your academics. that being said, remember that you are a human being before you are anything else. do not push yourself over the edge just for the grade.


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