Best Books for NEET Preparation 2020, 2021, 2022

Given below is a list of some of the best reference books for NEET examination. These are the books recommended by teachers and medicos (who cleared NEET/ AIIMS/ AIPMT) for the preparation of NEET-UG medical entrance exam.

Best Books For NEET (BIOLOGY) 

πŸ“– NCERT Biology of Class XI and XII

                      πŸ“š BUYNOW 

πŸ“– Trueman's Biology Vol 1 and 2

                     πŸ“š BUY NOW

πŸ“– MTG Objective NCERT at your Fingertips

                     πŸ“š BUY NOW

πŸ“– Pradeep Publication's Biology

                     πŸ“š BUY NOW


πŸ“– Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma

                     πŸ“šBUY NOW

πŸ“– NCERT Physics

                     πŸ“šBUY NOW

πŸ“– D C Pandey Objective Physics

                     πŸ“šBUY NOW

Best Books For NEET (chemistry) 

πŸ“– NCERT Chemistry

                    πŸ“š BUY NOW

πŸ“– Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

                    πŸ“šBUY NOW

πŸ“– Elementary Problems in Organic Chemistry for NEET/AIIMS by M. S. Chauhan

                   πŸ“š BUY NOW

πŸ“– Modern’s ABC of Chemistry for class 11th and 12th

             πŸ“š BUY NOW (FOR CLASS 11)  

             πŸ“š BUY NOW (FOR CLASS 12)

Note : Candidates should first start by clearing out their basics from NCERT. Thereafter, they can head onto advanced learning books for preparation. Also note that previous year question papers are also equally important for NEET preparation.




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