Dark academia study techniques. - BLESSEDWITHBESTT

rewriting your notes, over and over and over
again, not worrying about the neatness but paying close attention to each and every word.

muttering every bit you know by heart under
your breath as you walk down the streets.

studying early in the morning, focusing on one
sentence or chapter and pondering it through
the day.

researching things that you have questions about on your own, finding books on that subject and leafing through them.

reciting your notes dramatically to your
household companion or your stuffed animal.

challenging yourself to think, speak, write and
consume media only in your target language.

eating certain snacks with different subjects
and letting the smells trigger your memories.

associating each subject to someone you know
by sight only.

romanticising bits that you have difficulty getting interested in.

chanting your notes at night on a classical tune.


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