It's sweet when you have the power to shift and postpone the things which can be done today till some other time. It's very sweet because that time which you're supposed to use to perform the task can be used for activities which you can derive pleasure and satisfaction from.
When you look at it from a strong perspective, you'll agree with me that procrastination is something we all can enjoy.

One thing is certain - "If you enjoy putting off till tomorrow, the things which should be done today, when tomorrow comes, you'll definitely still postpone the task for another day. In fact, you'll keep on postponing it consciously because it's something you enjoy."
I love what James A. Michener said. He said - "Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today, you can do it again tomorrow."

John C. Maxwell once said - "A procrastinator puts off until tomorrow the things he has already put off until today."
You know what is actually sponsoring this action? It's simply the "enjoyment" phase of that thief of time.
The problem is not that you love procrastination, it's that you enjoy it.

Just stop the habit of pushing things till another time.
Do that which should be done now and let the thought of it leave you.


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