You think you want to be successful?
If yes, you must master a principle. It's this - "Let your determination to succeed be greater than your fear of failure."

In our world today, a large majority of the people want to succeed, but they've not set out the equation rightly.
They are always thinking failure and defeat. They've let failure cloud their minds that the only thing they're thinking of on daily basis is failure.

Listen, you can fail and always learn from your failure.
But don't settle down and let the life of a failure become your reality. You too can succeed like every other person if you're determined to do so.

Not too long ago, my mindset was restructured and channeled rightly. It was as a result of my coming across a quote by George Horace Lorimer. Believe me, you would want to read what I read. - "You have to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction."

Just be determined to succeed, don't let fear drive you. Soon, you too would be successful.


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